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Check Out My Lego Star Wars set reviews

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Death Star - Retiring Soon?

Death Star (#10188) has been available since 2008 and FOLs all around the world have been guessing whether it'll retire soon or not.

As we are still lacking any reliable information, I'll focus on facts rather than guesses, even we FOLs like to speculate sometimes and guessing right feels always rewarding.

So most of the LSW sets are in production for 1,5-2 years, sometimes only one year. UCS sets get usually a bit longer life, sometimes they might be produced for even three years. So someone would say that there is no way DS could get any more years. On the other hand as the set has been available for so long, will it retire before a remake? And there's yet no clue that there would be a remake in the future.

Laser turret defending the DS
Things change in the world of Lego and DS (Death Star) might get old fashioned, atleast what comes to the minifigs. But at the same time it stands for the stability as it's been available for so long time. And some long-time collectors might find it as a "oh those were the days" set.

As it's been available for so long, doesn't everybody who wants one already have it? A good point, but guess how many new fans Lego gets every day.

So all we can is wait and guess and speculate at the moment.

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