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Thursday, 9 July 2015

It's Watto Time

Watto from Anakin Skywalker and Sebulba's Podracers
TLG will release new Sith Infiltrator (#75096) this year and we'll get our third version of Watto. Personally I found Watto as one of the those more interesting characters in the prequels. When I had started collecting LSW, Watto was one of my first must-haves. But when I found out that the only set where Watto was included was Watto's Junkyard (#7186) from 2001 and that it cost about 200£ on, I was only toying with the idea of having Watto someday as I rarely bought single minifigs. I wasn't so up to date about Briclink and eBay and Amazon was just kidding with the minifig prices.

Then, in 2011, TLG released Anakin Skywalker and Sebulba's Podracers (#7962) and a remake of Watto. I was exited and bought the set. The new version of Watto was a lot more accurate which I found as a great thing.

The third version of Watto is quite similar with the one back in 2011. So, I won't buy Sith Infiltrator for Watto, atleast. But I don't have a Sith Infiltrator so maybe I'll pick it up anyway.

1 comment:

  1. That just looks bizarre. Especially the clothes.


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